Cheese Rocks

Televsion does indeed taste funny.
A personal journal by a man who is neither militant, nor a groundhog
I try to make it a habit to only write when I'm inspired to as, in my humble opinion, it makes for better reading. I've been looking at my poor blog the past few days and noticing that something needs to go here. On the other hand, I've been avoiding writing about our current trials and tribulations like the plague. Well, I'm now stuck so here's the latest: We're getting a new Ikea here in our own backyard. That is very cool. The problem exists that it might not be our backyard for too much longer. I've been out of work for the past few months and it appears that my new job might just be in another state. My wife Heather is interviewing for a position that is supposed to pay real well but if she doesn't get it and I get this job (I wont say where - I'm speaking with numerous groups right now and you never know who reads these things) in __Insert locale here__ then it's likely that I'll be moving. I don't want to do this but Cincinnati's job market sucks. There's nothing here. To give you an indicator, my wife, who's got a resume that includes Pentagon and Congressional level clients, hasn't worked anything but temp work in the past three years that we've been here. I've had one company go under and close it's doors on me, one laid me off because they discontinued a project that I was working on and the last one fired me so the owner could replace me with his high school buddy. (Needless to say, I want very bad things to happen to this guy) So, I suppose we'll see what happens. We may stay but we may go. The next few weeks will tell.
I have not been having a good couple of weeks and I'm irritable right now so there's my explanation for this post.
I was doing some early morning web surfing this morning and came upon this really great website that allows you to create your own ticket stubs. Since I'm more or less a forger at heart, this is the thing that I really enjoy and could not pass up an opportunity to create a stub for my fantasy concert.