Sunday, October 22, 2006

The Grand Naming

Well, we're a little closer to a name for the baby. We have the first name sorted out but we're still haggling over the middle name. After going through the lists of names we decided on the first name of Finn. He will be known as Finn Taylor. Oddly enough, after the fact, I ran an internet search and found that there is indeed one Finn Taylor out there in celebrity land. You can find his page here.

See, I wanted something that reflected my Germanic heritage since my daughter reflects our (Heather's and I) Celtic heritage. We found that "Finn" was of both Scottish and Old Norse origin and with my religious beliefs being what they are we decided that would work just fine. Now we just have the middle name to contend with. Heather wants him to have two middle names so that she can honor both her mother (Scott) and her father (Ward). Personally, I think that's too cumbersome and I think it should be restricted to just one middle name. Besides, I don't want Erin running around asking why she only has three names and Finn has four. Urgh!

As an added bonus for Finn, he wont have the curse of having a common name like his father. Someday I'll have to post all of the crap that people have dug up on me when doing background searches like the multiple DWIs and the other dumb stuff that has nothing to do with me. Did you know I owned an antique shop in Annapolis Maryland just last year? Was news to me since I haven't lived there in near four years. Where's my cut of the profits?


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