Halloween Party
I went to a halloween party last night. It was a traditional costume manditory two-kegger. My friend Mike recently purchased this place in Kentucky and this was also sort of his housewarming party. By the way, if this post comes off as reading kind of disjointed or whatnot it's because I just rolled out of bed and my head is still killing me. Let's just say that I'm not in my right mind at this time.
First of all, much thanks to Mike. The invite was much appreciated and I was glad to have been there. As a matter of fact, I was given permission, nay, kicked out of my house by my wonderful wife for the evening. I wore an old russian soldier's uniform that I had in the closet. It meant I had to spend no money on the costume. It turns out that it was also the right thing to wear because it tended to steer the conversation towards topics of politics and social theory. See, Mike's friends are a little different from the common mouth breathing, knuckle dragger that populates this area. They are smart, socially concious educated people and very pleasant to talk to. I had a great time drinking beer, discussing the world's issues and enjoying the scenery. Mike's friends are also, on average, a younger group and some of the women's costumes were, shall we say for the sake of being gentlemanly, easy on the eyes. There was what I believe to be a devil girl there, a Marilyn Monroe, a Janis Joplin, a Wonder Woman, an Alice, a Strawberry Slutcake (at least that's how I heard it described by a nearby bystander), a Catwoman and just the cutest little boy scout (whom, it should be said, was not at all a boy or anything else masculine for that matter) you've ever seen.
The men, while less interesting to me from a titillation perspective, were no less interestingly dressed. One guy used stilts and a lot of brown fabric and came as an eight foot tall killer potatoe. Another guy was dressed in a suit, wore red horns on his head and walked around offering contracts for people to sign. (actually, I didn't see him doing this and he may not have been but that was the intent as I understand it and besides, it makes for a much more interesting post) It was really funny. The boyfriend of the boy scout was dressed up as a girl scout. If you've ever seen Tim Curry dressed up as a wilderness scout in Loaded Weapon 1 you get the idea. The guy who, in my humble opinion, won the costume contest hands down was a guy who'd spent a tousand dollars or better putting together the most authentic Darth Vader Costume I'd ever seen. Light sabre, flashing lights, the whole nine yards. Nothing about this was cheap and cheesy, it all appeared to be genuine empire issue gear. Great job Hoop.
The night went on and we drank. There was a member of the revelry or two that passed out. At one point there was some idiot who crashed the party with a few friends. Some moron who had had a rap show at the bar down the street. White, neck tattoos, somewhat retarded. He kept going on about how he had this show and no one showed up and he wanted us to play his CD. People were generally polite but, I think much like myself in that we all wished he'd really just go away. After this mental midget tossed a beer bottle into the neighbor's driveway, shattering it, and, from what I hear, tried to start a problem with a few of the guests, Mike came out to deal with the situation. In an amazing display of tact that I could never reproduce, he got the guy to leave without incident.
All in all, great party with probably the most quality people to live in this area. Thanka again for the invite Mike. I had a great time.