Saturday, September 16, 2006

Life Lately

I've been watching Humphrey Bogart movies recently. Namely The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca. Casablanca I've seen a few times before, the first time coming quickly on the heels of the first time I'd seen When Harry Met Sally with an old college girlfriend several years back. Anyway, the point of this is that if you want to see true badass in the classic sense, this is it. Humphrey Bogart is the classic American badass. Anyone else you can think of is a big pansy in comparison.

I flew to New York recently. Did the whole trip, there and back, in one day. Nobody should have to go through airport security more than once a day. I hesitate to say what for. I don't want to jinx this. Do I dare say anythig at all? I guess it's too late for that. All I'll say is...... Syracuse. I'll post more when I know more.

Die Ubermädchen is not feeling well. We were supposed to go to the aquarium today but she's simply not up to it although, to hear her tell it, if we go that will make her feel much better. We eventually went to the bookstore to get out of the house for a short but and she barely survived that. She's supposed to go watch a horse show tomorrow. We'll see how she is tomorrow morning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Syracuse- should be less expensive that the city. Maltese Falcon- classic mystery that the how-to books cite quite often. Ja, Die Ubermadchen, ich kennst.

11:24 AM  

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