Monday, September 04, 2006

RIP Crocodile Hunter

As I have no doubt you are already aware, Steve Irwin AKA the Crocodile Hunter is dead due to a freak accident involving a stingray off the coast of Australia.

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While I was never a huge fan or anything and, quite honestly, I poked fun at him as much as the next guy, he was a man of honor who selflessly did for others. He educated the masses about wildlife and ecology and spent millions of his own money buying up land for wildlife refuges and the like. As a husband and a father of a young child, I am saddened for his family. I can only imagine what they're going through tonight. This man has been on my mind all day and I find his passing to be a real tragedy. Rest In Peace, Steve.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh, that definitely sucks, a serious loss altogether. At least he was doing what he loved.

7:11 PM  

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