Sunday, July 09, 2006

The World Cup Ends

Sadly, the 2006 World Cup is over. I've watched this tournament, as many games as I could, for a month now and I've really gotten used to having the world's best to watch on a nearly daily basis. A month ago my favorite team, Germany, beat Costa Rica 4:2 and it was the start of some of the greatest moments I've seen in sports. I knew the ending was going to be sad. Germany was eliminated by Italy in the round of four (but did win the runner up match to get third place) and the tournament, something so good for the sport and for Germany was coming to an end. I went into the final game not sure who to root for but all that changed in overtime.

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What the hell was Zidane thinking?? I was actually pulling for France somewhat because I wanted to see the old guy go out on top but this is how he chose to end his career. There's some speculation that whatever Materazzi said must have been bad to make Zidane do something like this but I can't see that anything simply verbalized would make someone do something so incredibly stupid, not just to himself and his career but to his team. While we'll never know, this act may have cost France the world cup. The whole thing is a damn shame and a sad way to end such a great career. As it was, karma was served and Italy won the match on PKs. I enjoyed watching them celebrate after the match.

Match of the tournament (IMHO) goes to Germany v. Argentina. Hardcore from start to finish.


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