Dave FAQ
I post this here as an introduction for people who will read this blog but who have not previously had the pleasure of knowing me personally. At some point it will include a picture but first I have to come up with one that I don't absolutely hate. In the meantime, here's my FAQ:
Dave, tell me a little about yourself
Sure thing. I'm a thirty something father, husband and all around middle class suburban American male. I currently live in the greater Cincinnati Ohio area but I've lived nearly all over the country at one time or another. I have a nice house with a two car garage, a new Volkwagen Jetta and a good portion of the toys I always wanted when I was younger.
What do you mean by "Toys"? What are your hobbies?
Glad you asked and, more specifically, I'm glad you asked like that because one leads into the other (it's shocking the coincidences that you see like that when you write your own interview). I have been a military history nut since I was a kid. As a result, I have a small collection of military style firearms and I'm a World War 2 reenactor. I reenact the role of a foot infantryman in the German wehrmacht and I have a full kit of uniforms and gear to fit that impression.
Are you a Nazi?
No. In fact, most German infantrymen weren't. Only about ten percent of the German World War 2 population were. My impression is that of a German factory worker from Bielefeld. I'm not a nazi in my personal, non-reenacting life either.
So that's all there is? Tell me more.
Ok, I speak some German but I'm not fluent. I enjoy world football (as opposed to the American sort where they spend five seconds running into eachother and then another 40 seconds standing around) and I watch a lot of Bundesliga and English Premier league. I drink Guinness and Jägermeister but I don't drink often. I like a lot of German bands and currently I'm listening to Eisbrecher and Stendal Blast. I smoke but usually only when I drink.
What do you do for a living?
I'm an audio visual designer and engineer. I create audio visual systems and my career has had me involved in everything from conference rooms to professional sports stadiums. I started my career working for the Orioles and the Ravens in Baltimore.
What are your views on politics?
I used to think I was conservative and used to be a member of the republican party. I even once came close to running for office on the republican ticket. Since Bush has been in office though that has all changed. I'm now an independent and I'm questioning how conservative I am. In the last few years I have become equally disgusted by both parties and usually vote third party.
How about your family?
I've been married for six years as of this writing. I have a wonderful relationship with my wife and love her very much. I have a five year old daughter and she is the greatest thing to ever grace planet earth. My family is the best thing that's ever happened to me and I love and protect them fiercely.
Well, it's late and that's all I have for now. If you have further questiosn that this has not answered for you, feel free to contact me.
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